We’re the Alberni Valley Outdoor Club

2013 Oct19_Moriarty summitThe AVOC (Alberni Valley Outdoor Club), which started out as a paddling club in the early 1970’s, is based in Port Alberni, British Columbia and is dedicated to the enjoyment of and respect for the great outdoors.   Club members include all ages and abilities – youth to seniors and novices to experienced mountaineers – but we all share a love of fresh air and exploring the natural beauty our country has to offer.   Our outings comprise a variety of non-motorized activities throughout the year, ranging from easy hikes to challenging climbs, camping trips, canoe and kayak expeditions, as well as snowshoe and backcountry ski adventures.  Most of the outings are day trips occurring in the vicinity of the Alberni Valley and other Vancouver Island locations although we do sometimes venture further afield.

Our current membership, as of late 2022, is approximately 68 members.  Governance occurs through a Board of Directors consisting of an Executive group (Chair, Vice-chair, Treasurer and Secretary) as well as Directors (currently numbering 5).  An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held usually every late October or early November.  Board meetings are held every 2 months or at the discretion of the Board.

The AVOC Board of Directors for 2023 is:

Chair:      Laurie Money | 250-724-4174

Vice-chair and FMCBC liaison:   Judy Carlson (Secretary of the FMCBC)

Treasurer:  Laurie Morphet  |  250-724-4174; cell 250-735-0917.

Secretary and Website Co-ordinator:    Karen George | 250-735-2620

Director:  Trevor Blogg

Director:  Wendy Friberg

Director:  Mike Brouard

Director:  Martina Kaiser

Director:  Terry Zibin